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I wanted to share a unique experience I had yesterday. One of my fellow varsity golf coaches Rich, who also happens to be a triathlete, runs a camp in Rye at Shenorock. He asked me at the end of the school year if I would mind being a guest speaker at the camp because every year he runs a camp triathlon. He wanted the campers to have a chance to hear about racing from a "real" and "sponsored" triathlete :). When I talked to Rich, he said there would be a bunch of campers, and that I should focus on transitions and nutrition. I told him I would bring all my gear, both for riding and competing in tris, along with both of my bikes. I didn't know what to expect when I arrived decked out in my Targetraining gear, but as I walked across the field I saw the group of kids gathered on the bleachers. There were at least 150 kids there! My first question to the kids was how many of them had ever competed in a triathlon before- nearly all of them raised his or her hand! The kids ranged in age from 6-12, and all of them will be competing in the camp triathlon next Tuesday. I ended up staying there for about an hour, showing them my bikes, explaining how to transition, answering any questions they had. We talked about proper nutrition and hydration, and really focused on safety. I could not get over how engaged the kids were and how psyched they were for the upcoming tri! This was the first time I have had the unique opportunity of not only representing Targetraining in this sort of a forum, but also acting as an ambassador to the sport of triathlon. It was entirely rewarding, and I can't wait to help out next Tuesday as they put my tips to use!

Reader Comments (1)

A tri camp for kids , that is awesome. Kristin, I can't think of a better ambassador than you. The kids must have been thrilled to hear from you.

Be sure to have your camera on hand next Tuesday.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCK

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